space available : Flakk, Iceland

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zones, neighborhoods, and quarters. systems and structures.
planes, voids, buildings, streets. to look at a city from above, the web, the network of streets, flow of traffic, in new york like in europe like elsewhere, people moving on paths.
people stream from streets into buildings stacked upon each other in boxes, that branch from corridors.
i search for a place, drift through the streets.
i linger, install myself transitorily, then move on.
memorize the system of a city, its map, the subway-lines, cross-roads.
is there a centre here?
and where is the heart of the city? how do i move best?
and: what do i miss?
i live in a big city: new york.
how do i perceive myself in it?
i try to look at a distance at the city, at cities.
observe the system like a playfield. i am fascinated by the webs, fields, gaps, planes of cities.
they seem to be mirrored even ln a small format: playgrounds with marks, a tennis-court, an empty pool, a parking lot.
people establish lines and rules. in order to orientate themselves?
In order to reassure themselves?
i look at the city from the outside: the city as a block of streets, empty lots, buildings. houses as containers for people. so, i trace panels and distort them, discovering the city for myself.
it becomes my gaming field. and i can decide how to change the city for my benefit, and from which point of view i want to look at it.
a facade becomes a site for projections, a street an idea of weightless movement. i want to construct a floatable city, playing around with scales, manipulating the web of streets and paths, inverting dimensions and changing relations, abstracting.
to utilize the city for oneself .
as a vision. as a longing for a condition of existence and urbanity that is made for me as a drifting human being.
Susa Templin, January 2000

Published on the Occasion of the Exhibition "Flakk, or that extra-ordinary sensation of being abroad even when at home", curated by Andrea Kroksnes and Per Gunnar Tverbakk

A collaboration project between NIFCA- the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art, Helsinki and The Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland 2000

ISBN 9979-9290-6-5