Texts, Proposals & Commentary
Auszug aus einem Text von Ulrich Knufinke, Wolfsburg
2013 by Thorsten Jantschek
2013 by Annelie Pohlen
2011, from "Vacancy" by Julia Wirxel
2008 by Susa Templin
2008 Catalog Text from Solo Exhibition: "Geometry of Space", by Scott Budzynski
2008 Publication Text from Solo Exhibition: "Geometry of Space", by Birgit Szepanski
2008 Exhibition Text by E.C. Emmer
2007 by Susa Templin
2007 by Sarah Pfingsten
Catalog Text from Solo Exhibition:
"Berlin Barock", Berlinische Galerie, Landesmuseum für Moderne Kunst,
Fotografie und Architektur, Berlin.
2006 Proposal Text:
"Temporary Spaces", Ausstellungsraum Glue, Berlin.
2002 Proposal Text: Thoughts about
Labyrinths & Mazes by Susa Templin.
2002 Catalog Text: Dia-/Klang-lnstallation
"Leuchtspur", Frankfurt, in cooperation with Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt.
2002 Exhibition Text:
Gallery Suite 106, New York, by Mark Woods.
2002 Exhibition Text:
Gallery Suite 106, New York, by Mark Woods.
2001 Catalog Text: Exhibition Museum an der Kaiserpfalz, Ingelheim, by Klaus Gallwitz.
2001 Catalog Text:
Goethe Institute, Washington, DC, by Matt Himes.
2001 Catalog Text:
Liquid Architecture/A Space For Me, Museum Folkwang, Essen, by Scott Budzynski.
2001 Press Release:
Einsiedler-Vorgehend, Museum Folkwang, Essen, by Susa Templin.
2000 Catalog Text:
New York, New York Exhibition, Frankfurt, in cooperation with the Museum für Moderne Kunst, by Matthias Vogel.
2000 Catalog Text:
Flakk Exhibition, Iceland, by Susa Templin.
1999 Catalog Text:
Slow Moves into Urban Space, Frankfurt, by Konstantin Adamopoulos.
1999 ArtForum Review: Exhibition
Three Feet Six Inches Deep, at Gallerie Cato-Jans, Hamburg, by Wolf Jahn.
1999 Catalog Text:
Three Feet Six Inches Deep, New York, by Gregory Williams.
1998 Catalog Text:
Biennale de lĀ“lmages Paris, Paris, by Lewis Baltz.
City Proposals, New York, by Susa Templin.
1997: Excerpt from "Das Glueck zu Sehen", Frankfurt, by Jean-Christophe Ammann.